Homemade Kitchen Degreaser

Homemade Kitchen Degreaser: Powerful & Natural Solution for Tough Grease

Hey friends! 🧽👋

Let’s talk about one of the biggest challenges in the kitchen—grease. Whether it’s splatters from frying or that stubborn residue around the stovetop, grease can be a nightmare to clean. 

I used to rely on store-bought degreasers, but after realizing how harsh they were (and honestly, hating the strong chemical smell), I knew I had to find a better way. 

That’s when I decided to make my own homemade kitchen degreaser—and let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer!

This DIY recipe is all-natural, super effective, and so easy to make. Plus, you don’t need a ton of fancy ingredients. 

I use this degreaser on everything from countertops to my stovetop, and it even works wonders on those greasy cabinet doors. Ready to get rid of that grease the natural way? 

Let’s do this!

Homemade Kitchen Degreaser

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • ½ cup white vinegar (this is my go-to for breaking down grease)
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (because it cuts through grease and adds some scrubbing power)
  • 1 teaspoon dish soap (a good natural dish soap like Dawn or Dr. Bronner’s works great)
  • 2 cups warm water (to dilute and help with cleaning)
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil (optional, but lemon is a grease-fighting hero—and it smells amazing!)
  • A spray bottle (you can repurpose an old one or buy a new one)

How I Make It:

  1. Start with the vinegar and water

First things first, I mix ½ cup of white vinegar and 2 cups of warm water in my spray bottle. Vinegar is seriously the MVP here—it breaks down grease and grime like a pro. The warm water helps everything blend together nicely and boosts the cleaning power.

  1. Add the baking soda

I carefully add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the mix. A little heads up: vinegar and baking soda will fizz up a bit (science in action!), so make sure you pour it slowly or do this part over the sink. This step is key for cutting through those tough, stuck-on grease spots.

  1. Dish soap for extra power

Next, I add about 1 teaspoon of dish soap to the mix. This helps lift the grease off the surface and gives the degreaser an extra kick. I personally use a natural dish soap, but any will work—just make sure it’s good at cutting grease!

  1. Lemon essential oil (optional but amazing)

I love adding about 10 drops of lemon essential oil for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a natural grease-cutter, and second, it leaves my kitchen smelling so fresh and clean. Plus, it makes cleaning a little more enjoyable when everything smells like lemons!

  1. Shake it up!

Once everything’s in the bottle, I pop the nozzle on and give it a good shake to mix it all up. And just like that, my homemade kitchen degreaser is ready to go!

How I Use It:

Whenever I’m dealing with a greasy mess (which is basically every time I cook), I grab this cleaner, spray it onto the greasy surface, and let it sit for about a minute or two. This gives it time to work its magic and break down all that gunk. Then, I just wipe it down with a clean cloth or sponge.

For tougher spots (like around my stovetop or inside my oven), I’ll spray a little more and let it sit a bit longer. Sometimes, I’ll give it a gentle scrub with a sponge if it’s really stubborn. The best part? No harsh fumes or chemicals. Just a fresh, clean kitchen!

A Few Tips I’ve Learned:

  • Cabinet grease? No problem! I use this on my kitchen cabinets, where grease loves to build up. It cuts right through it without damaging the wood (just make sure to do a little patch test if you have delicate finishes).
  • Microwave magic: If your microwave gets greasy from food splatters, spray this inside, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then wipe clean. It’s so easy!
  • Stubborn grease? Double down! For super tough grease spots, I sometimes sprinkle a little extra baking soda directly onto the greasy area after spraying. It gives me a little more scrubbing power.

Why I Love This Degreaser:

Honestly, I can’t believe I used to buy expensive degreasers when this homemade version works just as well (and sometimes better!). It’s not only way cheaper to make, but I also love that I’m not spraying any weird chemicals all over my kitchen. 

It feels good to use something natural that I know is safe for my family and pets. Plus, who doesn’t love the fresh smell of lemon after a cleaning session?

So, if you’re ready to kick grease to the curb without any harsh chemicals, give this DIY degreaser a try. Trust me, you’ll love it! And if you do try it, let me know how it works for you. Happy cleaning! 😊

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